8 Man Movie Review

Back in 1992, when robotic police were the "thing," 8 Man sought to ride the coattails of Robocop, despite the truth being that the original 8 Man manga and anime series came out much, MUCH earlier. Still, as this was the only live action film adaptation to take place, it ended up being compared to Robocop more often than not. Especially in Ameri

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About Me

Aliens, Scanners, Godzilla 1984, Seven, The Exorcist, The Thing by John Carpenter, RoboCop, Edward Scissorhands, The Fly by David Cronenberg, Oldboy, Unforgiven, Ninja Scroll, and a great deal of other films are among my all-time favorites. Some of the other films that I enjoy watching are listed below.Some more sites like mineFilm Buffs Everywhere

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